Mac Installation

June 16th, 2023

Installing Mango Automation on a Mac is easy.

Install JavaJDK

Install the Java 17 JDK folling the instructions here

Installing Mango

Please read the following instructions very carefully! This script will allow you to automate
the installation of Mango on your Mac.

Download the script

curl -o

Create "mango" user

Before we can run the installation script, if you would like mango running on a user account other than your own you
have to set up the user account that mango will run on. Enter the following command into your terminal:

sudo sysadminctl -addUser mango -UID 145 -fullName 'mango'

Note: If you are just testing out mango on MacOS, we suggest you use your own profile as it will simplify the
process a bit.

Run mango installation script

Now that you have created the mango user, you can run the installation script by entering the following command into
your terminal:

sudo sh

The script will prompt you to enter details about where to install Mango, which version of Mango to install etc. Hit
enter and accept the default option shown inside the square brackets [default]. Yes/no answers must be written as ‘yes’
or ‘no’, ‘y’ or ‘n’ are not sufficient.

Once the script is complete you can start using Mango!

Using Mango

  • Start Mango services by running the following command in the terminal:
sudo -u mango /opt/mango/bin/
  • Stop Mango services:
sudo -u mango /opt/mango/bin/
  • Check that mango services are running:
sudo launchctl
  • Once mango has started, you can log into the dashboard by opening your browser and going to localhost:8080.
  • The default username and password are both "admin".

Common Startup issues:

  1. JDK not installed
  2. Something else occupying the port Mango is starting on. By default, Mango uses port 8080. You can modify this by
    placing a new file into the /overrides/properties directory. Detailed instructions can be found

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