Updating the Mango Store Path

August 25th, 2021

As you may have noticed, Mango Automation has recently undergone some rebranding. As part of this process the URL to the store has changed. Please follow the instructions provided to update your mango.properties file to handle these changes.

If you are on Mango OS v4.2 or above, your store path should already be correct and no changes are necessary.

These instructions are for Mango v4. If you are running Mango v3, click here for instructions specific to your version.


  • Open the mango.properties file in a text editor.

  • Locate the store.url variable.

    • If the store.url property is not set or commented out, you may stop here. You do not need to make any changes to your properties file.
# The location of the Mango Automation store from which to get license files.
  • Comment out the store url by placing a # at the start of the line like the example below.
# The location of the Mango Automation store from which to get license files.
  • Save changes to the mango.properties file and upgrade to Mango version 4.2.x or higher.

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