Create overview component

Creating Overview page

July 7th, 2020

This is the 2nd article of a Dashboard development series. You can check all the articles by clicking here

The Overview component is the page that is showed when you click the menu item. Before we create the component, we need to create first the AngularJS module.

Go to the File stores, in /public/hvacDashboards, and create a hvac.js file. The basic structure is this one:

Note: If you are working in local, you can open the public/hvacDasboards directory with you favorite IDE by opening the MANGO_ROOT/filestore/public/hvacDashboards directory.

 * @copyright 2020 {@link|Infinite Automation Systems, Inc.} All rights reserved.
 * @author Luis Güette

define([ 'angular', 'require', ], ( angular, require ) => { 'use strict';

const hvacModule = angular.module('hvacModule', ['maUiApp']);

    (maUiMenuProvider) => {


return hvacModule;

}); // define

Now, let's create the overview.js and overview.html files, inside pages/overview directory.


 * @copyright 2020 {@link|Infinite Automation Systems, Inc.} All rights reserved.
 * @author Luis Güette

define(['angular', 'require'], (angular, require) => { 'use strict';

class OverviewController {
    static get $$ngIsClass() {
        return true;

    static get $inject() {
        return [];

    constructor() {


    $onInit() {


return {
    bindings: {},
    controller: OverviewController,
    templateUrl: require.toUrl('./overview.html')




Let's update the module to include the overview page:

 * @copyright 2020 {@link|Infinite Automation Systems, Inc.} All rights reserved.
 * @author Luis Güette

define([ 'angular', 'require', './pages/overview/overview.js', ], ( angular, require, overview ) => { 'use strict';

const hvacModule = angular
    .module('hvacModule', ['maUiApp'])
    .component('hvacOverview', overview);

    (maUiMenuProvider) =&gt; {
                name: 'ui.overview',
                url: '/overview',
                menuIcon: 'map',
                template: '&lt;hvac-overview&gt;&lt;/hvac-overview&gt;',
                menuText: 'Overview',
                weight: 100

return hvacModule;

}); // define

We use maUIMenuProvider to add custom menu items to the sidebar. The registerMenuItem method receives as a param an array of menu items, each menu item has:

  • name: It is an unique identifier of the menu item, it defines its position depending on the structure in the menu. In this case, ui.overview set the item at the top of the ui in the menu.
  • url: The relative url, it depends on the name attribute.
  • menuIcon: It is the menu icon. You can use icons from Font Awesome or Material icons
  • template: You can set an HTML template. In this case, we load the component that we just added
  • menuText: It is the name of the menu item.
  • weight: It defines the position of the link in the menu list. The greater the number, the closer to the 1st position.

Go to the UI settings page, Miscellaneous settings, and set the user module URL the AngularJS module that we just created (remember to click on Save button):

Add user module URL

Reload the page, and you will see the Overview menu item and the HTML that we defined before:

First version of overview page

Now, let's create a basic two columns layout to prepare the view for the next step.

<div layout="row" layout-wrap layout-align="space-between start">
    <div flex="100" flex-gt-sm="50" flex-gt-md="60">
        <p>Column 1</p>
    <div flex="100" flex-gt-sm="50" flex-gt-md="40">
        <p>Column 2</p>

this will a responsive layout with 2 columns to start with.

We have all the necessary pieces to start the development of the Map component.

Go to Create map component

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